
Halibut Fishing Lodges & Guides



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Halibut Resorts & Lodges

Halibut.net approved halibut resorts & lodges

Whaler's Cove Lodge -- Angoon, S.E. Alaska (Note, John Beath, founder/owner of halibut.net currently guides here) Five star rating. Great for guided & un-guided anglers

Kodiak Combos (owner Jeff Peterson has been guide of the year at halibut.net)

Doc Warners, S.E. Alaska -- lots of self-guided opportunity here.

Kains Fishing Adventures -- Five star rating, great guided fishing in Sitka Alaska

Screamin Reels Adventures -- Sitka Alaska. Guided fishing

Lots of halibut fishing resorts will be found throughout the pages of halibut.net. We need your input to find the lodges and resorts that provide the best experience for halibut anglers. Let us know which halibut fishing lodges/resorts you like and we'll include them on this page.  The staff of halibut.net has traveled and will continue to travel throughout the range of the Pacific halibut, in search of great halibut fishing areas, halibut fishing guides and of course, halibut fishing resorts and halibut fishing lodges. We'll let you know which lodges we have personally approved.

Our list of halibut.net approved resorts and halibut fishing lodges will be professional fishing operations you can trust, that will provide you with the very best halibut fishing on the west coast. Remember, if you know of a great halibut resort or halibut lodge let us know and give us your feedback about your experience with him/her. We can't possibly find every great halibut fishing resort or lodge, so we will need your help, the visitors of halibut.net. Your good and bad experiences should be shared to enable everyone to make better informed decisions before booking a trip with a halibut fishing guide.

Please let your favorite halibut resort or halibut lodge know about us too, because then we can help promote them and let others know about us at the same time.  Halibut resorts and halibut lodges are welcome to submit their halibut fishing reports or photos throughout the season.

If you want a recommendation before we compile the list of halibut resorts and halibut lodges, drop us a line and one our staff will be glad to give you an honest recommendation.

Halibut resorts & halibut lodges...click here to get our logo for your halibut fishing web site. We encourage all of the halibut guides in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California to proudly display our logo, a sign that you care about your customers and that you contribute to the halibut fishing reports.


| Salmon Fishing Lures | Ball Bearing Swivels | Halibut Fishing  Tackle | Super Squids | Deep Stinger Jigs |

| Kenai River King Salmon | Lingcodfishing.net | GoFishMagazine.com | Dartjigs.com | TunaFishingLures.com | BriteBiteTackle.com |

  |UnderwaterFishingLights.net | FishingTackleStore.net | SportShrimping |

| SquidLures.com | | Lets Talk Oudoors YouTube Channel | | DeepStinger.com |